Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
Why do we dream in our sleep? Because in sleep, we do not have any sense effect in our mind. Then the mind moves closer to the root of creation. The mind then stays close to the Paramatma or the soul. And all the treasures of creation are preserved in the Supreme Being or the soul. The senses control our minds. When our mind becomes transcendental in sleep and moves closer to Paramatma or Ruh, then our mind can collect theories from Paramatma. Because then our mind can know all the theories from Paramatma or Ruh. But the question is how much the mind has the right to know the theory from the Paramatma? The answer is that the mind has the right to know from the Supreme as much as the mind is pure like the Supreme or Spiritual. Again, if Paramatma graciously informs the mind about the theory, then the mind can also know the theory.
Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
But there are very few people in the world who have been able to purify the mind by controlling the senses. So no one on earth except a few people is qualified to collect theories from Paramatman.
Yet for ages man has been collecting some mysteries or theories from the origin of Paramatma or creation in different ways according to their merits. And dreams have been playing a huge role as a means of collecting mysteries or collecting theories.
However, it is very difficult to understand the meaning of dreaming in sleep. The meaning of a dream depends on the spiritual power of the dreamer. The meaning of dreams also varies according to the spiritual power of the people. Again, the meaning of a dreamer’s dream may vary from place to place. The same thing that is meant when an ordinary person dreams, the same thing can have a different meaning when spiritual people dream. Therefore, it is not possible for an ordinary person to determine the meaning of his own dream. Even people of a fairly spiritual level cannot interpret all dreams. But a perfect spiritual great man can explain the meaning of any dream.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
If you see a snake in a dream. If you are bitten by a snake in a dream. In a dream, the snake ran to you. In dreams, The snake crawled on your body. In a dream, a snake slipped into your throat. What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a snake running away from you in a dream and hitting a snake with a stick in a dream and killing a snake in a dream?
In dreams, we see many good and bad things. Sometimes dreams seem very bad or random today. Sometimes dreams seem very pointless. Sometimes we dream randomly during sleep what we think all day long.
In fact, every dream has some meaning. Since we do not know the true meaning of dreams, they seem meaningless to us. We think about it all day so we dreamed in our sleep. But that’s not really the case.

Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
However, it can be said that what we think all day is stored in our memory in the midst of Paramatma. And when our senses are dissolved through deep sleep, the memories float in the inner vision. That is, any thought or action preserved in the Supreme Being floats in the inner vision. Then it is understood that the stored memories of our actions or thoughts float in our memory in our sleep. That is, we cannot dream without a stored memory or a preserved memory.
Now the question is we dream a lot of things that we never thought. Or I dream of a lot of work that I never did. But why does this happen. The answer is that since we have come to the conclusion that we dream only the memories stored in the memory. So any dream we have, must be understood was stored in our memory. Or any dream we have, we must understand that it must have some meaning.
Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams
As someone dreamed that a boat sank and someone he knew died in the boat sinking. A few days later this really happened. The incident happened exactly as the dreamer saw it in the dream. Now the question is how it is possible. In answer to this we will say that everything from the past to the present and the future is preserved in the Supreme. As our senses merge into deep sleep, those preserved memories float to our innermost being.
Now the question arises in the mind, past and present are stored in the memory of Paramatman. That can be accepted. But how future memories will remain stored in the paramatman. Because the future has not happened yet. But where did the memory of the incident come from.
The answer is that there is no past or future in the universe that is unknown to the Supreme Being. So when a person with spiritual energy sees future events in a dream, it becomes a reality.
And when we ordinary people dream, most of the time we see only memories throughout the day. And most of the time we dream randomly. And if we dream things we never thought possible. But it must be understood that these dreams have any meaning.

What do Snakes in Dreams Symbolize?
We have many desires in our minds. The snake is a symbol of desire. Going deeper, I can say that the snake is a symbol of the sexual desire of the human body and mind.

What does Seeing a Snake in your Dreams Mean
If you see a snake in a dream, you must understand that the dreamer likes to insult others. The dreamer hurts others through abusive language. The dreamer lies to others. The dreamer made false accusations. The dreamer bears false witness. If you dream of a snake, you will understand that you are engaged in slander. The dreamer harms others through slander. To see a snake in a dream also means that the dreamer is engaged in lying. The dreamer harms others through lies. The dreamer embezzles the wealth of others through lies.
If you dream of a snake, you will think that you are engaged in harming people through your tongue. But you may think that I do not hurt anyone by my words. But why did I dream like this? The answer is that we do not understand our own mistakes. We don’t think so deeply about whether our words hurt anyone.
It happens again that even though we do not catch in our words that people are hurt by our words, we must understand that we have this kind of problem. Because this seed is hidden inside our minds, it is reflected in dreams.